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Fit Body Fit Mind


Healthy eating isn't just all eating salad and nuts and seeds, although they are a very good contribution to you diet, the key to healthy eating is having a balanced diet, and having foods in moderation. Too much of anything isn't healthy, too much protein  can put pressure on the kidneys, too much fruit can affect blood sugar levels.

The 'eat-well plate' is a good way of visualising a balanced diet and getting proportion right. It would be unrealistic to expect every meal to look like this, but if at the end of the day you were to put everything that you had eaten onto a plate it would fit into the eat-well plate.


Fruit and Vegetables: 

- Source of fibre
- Source of energy 
- Source of vitamins: minerals and antioxidants



- Source of fibre 
- Source of energy 
- Source of nutrients


Live Long - Live Well - Be Happy - Be You!


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