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If you would like to find out what foods and supplements are

right for YOUR individual blood type drop me a line. Answer my

questionnaire for your personal eat right profile


Fighting Disease:

Poor diets and lack of nutrients and physical exercise may result in, dietary deficiency diseases malnutrition, anaemia,  inflammatory disease, etc. 


Over eating:

Excessive calories intake and improper balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates will eventually  lead to obesity and could ultimately result in metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical disorders that occur together: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and high-blood pressure.


The Secret is BALANCE:

Optimum Nutrition will balance dietary nutrients and additional supplements helping to  avoid diseases caused by deficiencies or excesses. The food that you eat should have the proper proportion of nutrients for your current stage of life.


Women of reproductive age, require extra iron in comparison with most post-menopausal women.


Optimum Nutrition will provide the right quantities of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fibre, and probiotic bacteria to maintain a fit body and a fit mind, to sustain the best level of activity for the best quality of life.



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